You can’t say that the team at Pipeline Runner don’t listen! Users told us that they thought that the Basic and Commercial licenses should include the Pipeline Runner Studio IDE – a graphical project designer and runner tool that was previously only available with a Pro license and which amongst other things allows you to create projects just by clicking a button or selecting from a menu and filling in the details of what you want. It then creates the commands and inserts them into the project with perfect syntax every time. You wanted it, so we made it happen.

We have discontinued the Basic license, and replaced it with a Community Edition that automatically includes the Community license as standard with no need to order or install one. Having made all those changes it didn’t really make sense to have multiple installers nor to have to use the ecommerce feature to order the Community version, so we have changed all that too!

Now there are three editions:

To quickly see the differences you can Compare Pipeline Runner Editions but basically Community is completely free for personal use – no license required – even though it now includes the Studio IDE. There are a few limitations to Studio in the Community and Commercial licenses, but you would probably expect that?

To get completely unlimited access to everything Pipeline Runner related you would still need the Professional license, but even that costs the equivalent of less than £2 per week, and the Commercial license less than £1 per week on an annual license. That is astounding value considering that our very first customer is already saving up to 100 hours of developer time every month saving thousands of pounds a year and allowing the developers to get on with more important tasks that earn still more money! That must surely be the best bargain ever?

In addition, you can now download a single installer directly from the new Downloads page with absolutely no requirement to go anywhere near the ecommerce section of the website unless you want to pay for something,. The same installer handles all editions transparently.

To upgrade, order the appropriate license and place the license file with Pipeline Runner on your computer. When your license expires, if you choose not to renew then Pipeline Runner will automatically downgrade to the Community Edition with no need for you to do anything at all. Want to upgrade again later? No problem, just purchase a new license and away you go.

We hope that you love the new editions. Be sure to get in touch and let us know what you think – we love hearing from customers and the ideas they have to make what we believe to be the ultimate developer productivity tool even better!

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