Notification Section Variables

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The following section variables are predefined and available for use in the Notification Section:



Variable Name





Determines whether a copy of the automatically generated report is attached to any Email notification


A string that can be converted to a boolean value e.g. True or False, 1 or 0, T or F, etc. True or False is recommended


Determines what happens when a notification operation fails

A string that indicates the way a send failure is handled. Permissible values are: Abort or Continue. The default is Abort.




Defines attachments to be sent with any Email notification

A comma separated set of file names



Defines Blind Carbon Copy email addresses to receive copies of any Email notification


A semicolon delimited set of email addresses


Defines Carbon Copy email addresses to receive copies of any Email notification


A semicolon delimited set of email addresses


A string defining the default message body to be added to any Email error notification


A string message


Defines an email address to set as the email address of the sender of any Email notification


A valid email address


A string that can be parsed to a valid member of the MailFormat enumeration. Valid values are: Auto, Html, Text



Defines the priority of the email message

A string that can be parsed to a valid member of the MailPriority enumeration. Valid values are: NonUrgent, Normal, Urgent,


Defines an email address to set as the email address to which any Email notification should be sent


A valid email address


Defines an email address to set as the email address of the sender of any Email notification


A valid email address


A string defining the subject line to be set on any Email error notification


A string value


A string defining the default message body to be added to any Email success notification


A string message


Defines email addresses to receive any Email notification


A semicolon delimited set of email addresses


Defines when Notifications should be sent


A string that can be parsed to a valid member of the Notify enumeration. Valid values are: Never, OnError, OnSuccess, OnErrorAndSuccess



Defines the type of Notifications to be sent

A string that can be parsed to a valid member of the NotificationType enumeration. Valid values are: None, Email, SMS, Both



Defines the type of API mode to be used when sending notifications to the SMS Gateway

A string that can be parsed to a valid member of the TmApiMode enumeration. Valid values are: None, Test, Live



A string defining the default message body to be added to any SMS error notification

A string message


NOTE: A message of more than the default text message size will result in multiple SMS credits being used.



A string representing either an SMS number for replies or a string of up to 16 characters to indicate the Originator of the message


A string of up to 16 numeric characters or 11 alphanumeric characters with no spaces or punctuation. If you use a numeric Originator, the recipient will be able to reply. If you use an alphanumeric Originator, the recipient will be unable to respond.



A string defining the default message body to be added to any SMS success notification

A string message


NOTE: A message of more than the default text message size will result in multiple SMS credits being used.


A string defining the password to match the credentials supplied for your account by the SMS Gateway


A string


A string representing the URL or Endpoint for the SMS Gateway Live API


A valid URL


A string representing the URL or Endpoint for the SMS Gateway Test API


A valid URL


A string representing the mobile number  or numbers to which the message should be sent

A comma separated set of mobile telephone numbers in international format e.g. 44777123456



A string defining the username to match the credentials supplied for your account by the SMS Gateway


A string


Determines whether SSL is enabled for sending SMTP email

A string that can be converted to a boolean value e.g. True or False, 1 or 0, T or F, etc. True or False is recommended


A string representing the integer number of the port required when accessing an SMTP Server.


A number e.g. 25


A string representing the name of the SMTP Server

A string e.g.



A string defining the password to match the credentials supplied for your SMTP account


A string. Required only if the SmtpServerRequiresAuthentication variable is set to True.


Determines whether the SMTP Server requires Authentication.


A string that can be converted to a boolean value e.g. True or False, 1 or 0, T or F, etc. True or False is recommended


NOTE: Most SMTP servers require authentication.  The exception is where you use an ISP that can detect that your connection is being made through their broadband service in which case they can use your router login details.



A string defining the username to match the credentials supplied for your SMTP account

A string. Required only if the SmtpServerRequiresAuthentication variable is set to True.

lamp Note: The variable names listed above are not case sensitive, but the values assigned may very well be. For example, the Username and Password values are very likely to be case sensitive for security reasons.

See Also: Notification Section Setup Section User Sections Tasks Section Code Section