The ampersand character '&'
The asterisk character '*'
The at sign character '@'
The backslash character '\'
The caret character '^'
The closing brace character '}'
The closing bracket character ')'
The closing square bracket character ']'
The colon character ':'
The dollar character '$'
The quotation mark or double quote character '"'
The equals sign '='
The exclamation mark '!'
The greater than sign '>'
The hash character '#'
The hyphen character '-'
The less than sign '<'
The new line character or character set for the current operating system environment
The opening brace character '{'
The opening bracket character '('
The opening square bracket character '['
The percent sign '%'
The pipe character '|'
The pound sign '£'
The question mark character '?'
The single quote character '''
The semicolon character ':'
The slash character '/'
The tilde character '~'
The underscore character '_'