Special Characters

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Special Character expressions insert characters that could otherwise cause validation or execution problems within the script. For example, the colon character is used to delimit commands, so if you use it as part of a command parameter it would cause an error. Instead you can use the Constant Expression for the colon: %%Colon%% which will be ignored when the script is parsed but at runtime will be automatically replaced with the colon character.






The ampersand character '&'



The asterisk character '*'



The at sign character '@'



The backslash character '\'



The caret character '^'



The closing brace character '}'



The closing bracket character ')'



The closing square bracket character ']'



The colon character ':'



The dollar character '$'



The quotation mark or double quote character '"'



The equals sign '='



The exclamation mark '!'



The greater than sign '>'



The hash character '#'



The hyphen character '-'



The less than sign '<'



The new line character or character set for the current operating system environment



The opening brace character '{'



The opening bracket character '('



The opening square bracket character '['



The percent sign '%'



The pipe character '|'



The pound sign '£'



The question mark character '?'



The single quote character '''



The semicolon character ':'



The slash character '/'



The tilde character '~'



The underscore character '_'


See Also: Date and Time Folder Locations Special Folder Locations Other Expressions