GetRegistryValue |
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The GetRegistryValue Special Function Command allows you to interrogate the system registry and retrieve the specified key value formatted as a string. Important: Special Function commands can only be used on the right hand side of a Variable Assignment command. Command Syntax
The comma character after the command is compulsory as are both parameters and the comma separating them.
RegistryKey: The full registry key you wish to interrogate for the value RegistryValueName: The name of the value stored under the specified registry key that you wish to retrieve
Both parameters are compulsory. If any required parameter is missing or invalid an error will be thrown.
Var:RegValue=GetRegistryValue,HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Personalization\Settings,AcceptedPrivacyPolicy Important: If the user tries to access a Registry Key which requires more permissions for access than they hold, or if the key or value do not exist, an error will be thrown. . See Also: Special Functions GetFileVersion |