Commercial License

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At the sole discretion of the company, we may from time to time make available in exchange for a fee one or more types of license that allow the software to be used for commercial purposes for a set period.  The purchase of any form of commercial license removes the restrictions that prevent use of the software as part of any trade, business or profession, or any other use for which a user directly or indirectly receives compensation. This will apply for the period specified during the purchase process, typically one year.


Any commercial license allows both commercial and non-commercial use.


Additional Benefits


In addition to the key right to use the software for commercial purposes, any commercial license will confer the right to additional benefits including Standard Technical Support - direct technical support from a member or members of our team.


Limitations of a Commercial License


At the sole discretion of the company there may be limitations applied to the software which may be implemented by any lawful means including but not limited to physical, legal, or technical means.


Typically when you purchase a Commercial license you will be provided with a license file that activates the software for use on a commercial basis on a single computer to which the software will be locked and enables any additional functionality to which the user may be entitled under the terms of the license. Upon expiry of the license, unless the license is renewed, the software will revert to the free license status. If you are still using the software for commercial purposes your license to use the software will be immediately terminated and you must either renew your license or delete the software.


If you need to use the software on more than one computer it will be necessary to purchase more than one license.


If you need to move the software to a new computer due to a failure or upgrade, or if a major upgrade or failure in your computer results in the license no longer recognising the machine as one that is entitled to run the software, you can apply to have a new license file created for the new computer to allow you to continue to use the software. Before the replacement license file is provided you may be required to run a license removal tool that will remove the software from, or confirm that the software no longer exists on, the original computer


See Also: Community License - Free for Non-Commercial Use Pro License