Remember how it felt to have time on your hands? Until recently, we couldn’t. Then we invented Pipeline Runner, the ultimate productivity robot that saves you truckloads of time with just a few clicks.

Goodbye mundane tasks, hello extended lunch break!

“Okay, I’m listening. Tell me more…”

Pipeline Runner isn’t like other automation tools – it doesn’t require complex coding or a degree in technobabble to make it work. Instead, it stays human-compatible, completing any task you tell it to with short plain English scripts created in Pipeline Runner Studio or your preferred text editor.

It’s that simple.

Our plain-speaking technology will help you:

  • save time and money
  • boost your productivity
  • reduce stress, and
  • cut out mistakes made by blasted earthlings!

It’s not just for software developers, either.

Okay, we’ll put our hands up! Originally, Pipeline Runner was designed for coders, developers, and programmers like us. What can we say? We like to make life easier!

But with technology this revolutionary, we felt it was only right to offer Pipeline Runner to any computer user, no matter their occupation.

If you need a little more convincing Pipeline Runner will make your life easier, see how it’s helped our very first customer save over 30 hours in just three days and hundreds more hours every month since…

I am a VERY techie developer – what if I want more?

Although Pipeline Runner is easy enough for anyone to use out of the box for the vast majority of purposes, if you are highly technical and want to do something we haven’t already thought of there are lots of choices. With a Pro license you can even write C# code directly into a Pipeline Runner Studio project and the robot will automatically compile and run it for you, or you could use it to make a DevOps pipeline more effective and efficient without having to learn YAML or create external library files. With Pipeline Runner the possibilies are literally endless!

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