ExecCode |
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This command is only available to users that hold a Pro License
The ExecCode command allows you to run C# code written in the Code Section from within the script. The code can be anything that you want to write.
Command Syntax
The colon after the command is compulsory. The comma character after the executable path is only compulsory where Parameters are specified. The ExecCode command itself is not case sensitive, but parameters may be depending on the program, operating system, and locale.
MethodName: The name of the method to be executed which must have been written in the code section by the user Parameters: Any parameters to the method line that may be required, separated by commas and surrounded by quotation marks if they are a string type.
The MethodName parameter is compulsory. The Arguments parameter may or may not be required depending upon the code being run. If any required parameter is missing or invalid an error will be thrown.
Supported Data Types
The following data types are supported for parameters:
The keywords are not case sensitive, so you can use Int64 or int64 and get the same result.
Without Parameters:
The example assumes that you have already created a method in the Code Section called SayHello, like this:
[Test Execute Code]
public static void SayHello() { Console.WriteLine("Hello"); }
With Parameters:
The example assumes that you have already created a method in the Code Section called SayHelloWorld, like this:
[Test Execute Code]
public static void SayHelloWorld(bool languageIsGerman) { Console.WriteLine(languageIsGerman ? "Hallo Welt" : "Hello World"); }
See Also: Code Section Reference Using Clauses Exec Run If Command GetCodeValue CodeResult |