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This command is only available to users that hold a Pro License and can be used ONLY in the Code section of the script
The Reference command allows you to specify and use methods and other code from an assembly to perform actions within a script that would otherwise not be possible. You need to specify both the Reference that allows you to specify and use methods and other code from an external assembly to perform actions within a script that would otherwise not be possible, and the Using Clause which connects the code with the assembly. If either is not specified, then an error will be thrown.
You can use multiple Using Clause and Reference pairs to use code from multiple external assemblies in your script.
Command Syntax
The colon after the command and the TargetFileName parameter are compulsory. The command itself is not case sensitive, but parameters may be depending on the operating system and locale.
AssemblyPathAndFileName: The fully qualified path and file name of the file that should be referenced.
The parameter is compulsory. If the parameter is missing or invalid an error will be thrown. The parameter must be surrounded by quotation marks if a colon or one or more spaces are included in the path and file name. It is good practice to include the quotation marks in any case, so that it reduces the risk of error when writing scripts.
[Code] Reference:"C:\Test\TestAssembly.dll" using TestAssembly;
See Also: Code Section ExecCode Using Clauses