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This feature is only available to users that hold a Pro License and Tasks can be used ONLY in the Tasks Section of the project script


Tasks are named actions that are associated directly with a User Section in the script. They consist of a Task Name, a User Section Name, and a Caption plus a value that indicates whether or not the Task should be run when the project script is executed.


If you create a Tasks section and add one or more Tasks to it using the AddTask command, when you execute the project script the Task Selection Dialog will be displayed to allow you to select which of the Tasks should be run and which should not.


This is a very powerful tool that allows users to run partial scripts to suit their needs, to run them in a different order, to fix a mistake in a script and then run it only from that point onward, and to have a large script that can be configured for each run.

lamp Note: It is not necessary to create a Task for every user section. You can create as many or as few Tasks as you wish, and associate them with whatever User Section you deem appropriate. However, any User Section that is not associated with a task will be run EVERY TIME the script is executed.

See Also: Tasks Section AddTask User Sections Task Selection Dialog