MRU List Editor Dialog

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The MRU List Editor dialog allows the user to edit the list of projects in the Recent Files menu. To access it you need to use the Options dialog. To launch the dialog select Tools | Options from the main menu, and in the dialog click the Edit List button. A new dialog will be displayed:


Edit MRU List Dialog

Edit MRU List Dialog

lamp Note: The files and locations above are entirely fictitious. The items you will see when you edit your own MRU list will be specific to you and your system.

The various parts of the dialog are used as follows:



Toolbar Move Top

Move Top

Click this button to move the currently selected item to the top of the list


Toolbar Move Up

Move Up

Click this button to move the currently selected item one position up in the list


Toolbar Move Down

Move Down

Click this button to move the currently selected item one position down  in the list


Toolbar Move Bottom

Move Bottom

Click this button to move the currently selected item to the bottom of the list


Toolbar Delete


Click this button to delete the currently selected list item


Toolbar Clear


Click this button to delete the entire list


List Box

This box contains the MRU entries to edit



OK Button

Click this button to close the dialog and save any changes made to the list. This button is not available if no changes have been made.


Cancel Button

Click this button to close the dialog discarding any changes that may have been made.


Help Button

Click this button to view this help topic in the online documentation


See Also: Options Colour Selector Dialog Folder Browser Dialog Open File Dialog Save As Dialog