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Pipeline Runner Studio has a toolbar on the Main Form which is designed to make using the application simple.  The toolbar contains buttons and potentially other controls which are relevant to the context in which you are using the system.  In other words, the toolbar and its contents may vary according to what you are trying to do and what is appropriate.


Each toolbar button will have an icon indicating what it does, and in case that is not clear enough by default hovering your mouse over any button will display a description of what the button does:The main form tool bar gives quick access to frequently used commands.



Studio Toolbar

Pipeline Runner Studio main form toolbar


Each button provides a quicker and easier way to access a command that could be buried quite deeply in the menu structure. For example, if you click the Save All toolbar button that would take a single click compared to clicking the File menu item, traversing down the menu items checking whether you have the right one until you reach the Save All menu item and then clicking it.  Using the toolbar button typically uses less than 20% of the effort compared to accessing the same command using the Menu.


Toolbar New


Click this button to create a new Project


Toolbar Open


Click this button to open an existing Project


Toolbar Close


Click this button to close the current Project


Toolbar Close All

Close All

Click this button to close all open Projects


Toolbar Save


Click this button to save the current Project

Toolbar Save As

Save As...

Click this button to save the current Project with a new name


Toolbar Save All

Save All

Click this button to save all open Projects

Toolbar Print


Click this button to print the current Project Script


Toolbar Print Preview

Print Preview

Click this button to print the current Project Script


Toolbar Cut


Click this button to cut the selected text in the current Project to the clipboard


Toolbar Copy


Click this button to copy the selected text in the current Project to the clipboard


Toolbar Paste


Click this button to paste the text from the clipboard into the current Project


Toolbar Select All

Select All

Click this button to select all the text in the current Project to the clipboard

Toolbar Undo


Click this button to undo the most recent change to the text in the current Project


Toolbar Redo


Click this button to redo the most recent change to the text in the current Project


Toolbar Zoom Out

Zoom Out

Click this button to decrease the Zoom percentage


Toolbar Zoom In

Zoom In

Click this button to increase the Zoom percentage


Toolbar Find


Click this button to allow you to search the script in the current Project for specified text

Toolbar Find Next

Find Next...

Click this button to allow you repeat the previous text search on the current Project


Toolbar Replace


Click this button to allow you to search the current Project for specified text and replace it with an alternative value


Toolbar Insert Command

Insert Command

Click the downward facing chevron to the right of the image to insert a Command at the current cursor position in the current Project


Toolbar Insert Section Heading

Insert Section Heading

Click the downward facing chevron to the right of the image to insert a Section Heading at the current cursor position in the current Project


Toolbar Insert Field

Insert Expression

Click the downward facing chevron to the right of the image to insert a Constant Expression at the current cursor position in the current Project


Toolbar Insert Directive

Insert Directive

Click the downward facing chevron to the right of the image to insert a Directive at the current cursor position in the current Project


Toolbar Comment


Click this button to turn the currently selected lines of text into comments


Toolbar Uncomment


Click this button to turn the currently selected commented lines of text into standard text


Toolbar Escape Selected Text

Escape Selected Text

Click this button to Escape the selected text.

Toolbar Unescape Selected Text

Unescape Selected Text

Click this button to remove any Escaped characters in the selected text.

Toolbar Toggle Line Numbers

Toggle Line Numbers

Click this button to show or hide the Line Numbers on the left hand side of the script in the current Project


Toolbar Export Script


Click this button to export the script in the current project to a text file

lamp Note: Once the script has been exported, it will no longer be protected by the encryption automatically applied to every Pipeline Runner Project.

Toolbar Import Script


Click this button to import a text file into the script in the current project


Toolbar Options


Click this button to display the various program options that control the behaviour of the Pipeline Runner Studio


Toolbar Show String Escaper Tool

Show String Escaper Tool

Toolbar Validate Script


Click this button to validate the script in the current Project

lamp Important: The validation undertaken covers the syntax used in the script. It does not perform any other form of check, nor does it guarantee that the script will run successfully as that may be affected by external factors such as the syntax of third party applications being executed as part of the script processing.

Toolbar Generate Command Line

Generate Command Line

Click this button to create a full command line from the current script and copy it to the clipboard ready for use with Windows command prompt or other software.


Toolbar Run Script


Click this button to run the script in the currently selected Project


Toolbar Help


Click this button to display the Pipeline Runner online documentation

lamp Note: In order to perform this function you will need an active internet connection. If you select this option when no internet connection is available an error message will be displayed to notify you accordingly.

Toolbar About


Click this button to display the About dialog


See Also: Main Form Menus Context Menus